package dorkbox.util.tray.linux; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.sun.jna.Pointer; import dorkbox.util.jna.linux.AppIndicator; import dorkbox.util.jna.linux.Gobject; import dorkbox.util.jna.linux.Gtk; import dorkbox.util.jna.linux.GtkSupport; import dorkbox.util.tray.SystemTray; import dorkbox.util.tray.SystemTrayMenuAction; /** * Class for handling all system tray interactions. * * specialization for using app indicators in ubuntu unity * * Heavily modified from * * Lantern: * Apache 2.0 License * Copyright 2010 Brave New Software Project, Inc. */ public class AppIndicatorTray extends SystemTray { private static AppIndicator libappindicator = AppIndicator.INSTANCE; private static Gobject libgobject = Gobject.INSTANCE; private static Gtk libgtk = Gtk.INSTANCE; private final Map menuEntries = new HashMap(2); private volatile AppIndicator.AppIndicatorInstanceStruct appIndicator; private volatile Pointer menu; private volatile Pointer connectionStatusItem; // need to hang on to these to prevent gc private List widgets = new ArrayList(4); private Thread gtkUpdateThread; public AppIndicatorTray() { } @Override public void createTray(String iconName) { this.appIndicator = libappindicator.app_indicator_new(this.appName, "indicator-messages-new", AppIndicator.CATEGORY_APPLICATION_STATUS); /* basically a hack -- we should subclass the AppIndicator type and override the fallback entry in the 'vtable', instead we just hack the app indicator class itself. Not an issue unless we need other appindicators. */ AppIndicator.AppIndicatorClassStruct aiclass = new AppIndicator.AppIndicatorClassStruct(this.appIndicator.parent.g_type_instance.g_class); AppIndicator.Fallback replacementFallback = new AppIndicator.Fallback() { @Override public Pointer callback(final AppIndicator.AppIndicatorInstanceStruct self) { AppIndicatorTray.this.callbackExecutor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { logger.warn("Failed to create appindicator system tray."); if (AppIndicatorTray.this.failureCallback != null) { AppIndicatorTray.this.failureCallback.createTrayFailed(); } } }); return null; } }; aiclass.fallback = replacementFallback; aiclass.write(); = libgtk.gtk_menu_new(); libappindicator.app_indicator_set_menu(this.appIndicator,; libappindicator.app_indicator_set_icon_full(this.appIndicator, iconPath(iconName), this.appName); libappindicator.app_indicator_set_status(this.appIndicator, AppIndicator.STATUS_ACTIVE); if (!GtkSupport.usesSwtMainLoop) { this.gtkUpdateThread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { libgtk.gtk_main(); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.warn("Unable to run main loop", t); } } }; this.gtkUpdateThread.setName("GTK event loop"); this.gtkUpdateThread.setDaemon(true); this.gtkUpdateThread.start(); } = true; } @Override public void removeTray() { for (Pointer widget : this.widgets) { libgtk.gtk_widget_destroy(widget); } // this hides the indicator libappindicator.app_indicator_set_status(this.appIndicator, AppIndicator.STATUS_PASSIVE); this.appIndicator.write(); Pointer p = this.appIndicator.getPointer(); libgobject.g_object_unref(p); = false; // GC it this.appIndicator = null; this.widgets.clear(); // unrefs the children too libgobject.g_object_unref(; = null; synchronized (this.menuEntries) { this.menuEntries.clear(); } this.connectionStatusItem = null; } @Override public void setStatus(String infoString, String iconName) { if (this.connectionStatusItem == null) { this.connectionStatusItem = libgtk.gtk_menu_item_new_with_label(infoString); this.widgets.add(this.connectionStatusItem); libgtk.gtk_widget_set_sensitive(this.connectionStatusItem, Gtk.FALSE); libgtk.gtk_menu_shell_append(, this.connectionStatusItem); } else { libgtk.gtk_menu_item_set_label(this.connectionStatusItem, infoString); } libgtk.gtk_widget_show_all(this.connectionStatusItem); libappindicator.app_indicator_set_icon_full(this.appIndicator, iconPath(iconName), this.appName); } /** * Will add a new menu entry, or update one if it already exists */ @Override public void addMenuEntry(String menuText, final SystemTrayMenuAction callback) { synchronized (this.menuEntries) { MenuEntry menuEntry = this.menuEntries.get(menuText); if (menuEntry == null) { Pointer dashboardItem = libgtk.gtk_menu_item_new_with_label(menuText); Gobject.GCallback gtkCallback = new Gobject.GCallback() { @Override public void callback(Pointer instance, Pointer data) { AppIndicatorTray.this.callbackExecutor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { callback.onClick(AppIndicatorTray.this); } }); } }; libgobject.g_signal_connect_data(dashboardItem, "activate", gtkCallback, null, null, 0); libgtk.gtk_menu_shell_append(, dashboardItem); libgtk.gtk_widget_show_all(dashboardItem); menuEntry = new MenuEntry(); menuEntry.dashboardItem = dashboardItem; menuEntry.gtkCallback = gtkCallback; this.menuEntries.put(menuText, menuEntry); } else { updateMenuEntry(menuText, menuText, callback); } } } /** * Will update an already existing menu entry (or add a new one, if it doesn't exist) */ @Override public void updateMenuEntry(String origMenuText, String newMenuText, final SystemTrayMenuAction newCallback) { synchronized (this.menuEntries) { MenuEntry menuEntry = this.menuEntries.get(origMenuText); if (menuEntry != null) { libgtk.gtk_menu_item_set_label(menuEntry.dashboardItem, newMenuText); Gobject.GCallback gtkCallback = new Gobject.GCallback() { @Override public void callback(Pointer instance, Pointer data) { AppIndicatorTray.this.callbackExecutor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { newCallback.onClick(AppIndicatorTray.this); } }); } }; libgobject.g_signal_connect_data(menuEntry.dashboardItem, "activate", gtkCallback, null, null, 0); menuEntry.gtkCallback = gtkCallback; libgtk.gtk_widget_show_all(menuEntry.dashboardItem); } else { addMenuEntry(origMenuText, newCallback); } } } }