Digest threadlocals are setup lazy.

Hash digests now support start/length for calculating a hash for a range of bytes
Changed from lwjgl xxHash to LZ4 xxHash impl.
Added xxHash64
This commit is contained in:
Robinson 2023-07-13 22:55:32 +02:00
parent 412a74e25a
commit d79550ef93
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 8E7DB78588BD6F5C
2 changed files with 413 additions and 193 deletions

View File

@ -15,13 +15,16 @@
package dorkbox.bytes
import net.jpountz.xxhash.StreamingXXHash32
import net.jpountz.xxhash.StreamingXXHash64
import net.jpountz.xxhash.XXHashFactory
import java.io.File
import java.io.InputStream
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.security.MessageDigest
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException
object Hash {
* Gets the version number.
@ -32,14 +35,18 @@ object Hash {
@Deprecated("Do not use this, it is insecure and prone to attack!")
const val MD2 = "MD2"
const val MD5 = "MD5"
const val SHA_1 = "SHA-1"
const val SHA_224 = "SHA-224"
const val SHA_256 = "SHA-256"
const val SHA_384 = "SHA-384"
@Deprecated("Do not use this, it is vulnerable to ht-extension attacks")
const val SHA_512 = "SHA-512"
const val SHA_512_224 = "SHA-512/224"
const val SHA_512_256 = "SHA-512/256"
const val SHA3_224 = "SHA3-224"
const val SHA3_256 = "SHA3-256"
const val SHA3_384 = "SHA3-384"
@ -47,79 +54,88 @@ object Hash {
@Deprecated("Do not use this, it is insecure and prone to attack!")
internal val digestMd5 = ThreadLocal.withInitial {
try {
return@withInitial MessageDigest.getInstance(MessageDigestAlgorithm.MD5)
} catch (e: NoSuchAlgorithmException) {
throw RuntimeException("Unable to initialize hash algorithm. MD5 digest doesn't exist?!?")
internal val digestMd5: ThreadLocal<MessageDigest> by lazy {
ThreadLocal.withInitial {
try {
return@withInitial MessageDigest.getInstance(MessageDigestAlgorithm.MD5)
} catch (e: NoSuchAlgorithmException) {
throw RuntimeException("Unable to initialize hash algorithm. MD5 digest doesn't exist?!?")
internal val digest1 = ThreadLocal.withInitial {
try {
return@withInitial MessageDigest.getInstance(MessageDigestAlgorithm.SHA_1)
} catch (e: NoSuchAlgorithmException) {
throw RuntimeException("Unable to initialize hash algorithm. SHA1 digest doesn't exist?!?")
internal val digest1: ThreadLocal<MessageDigest> by lazy {
ThreadLocal.withInitial {
try {
return@withInitial MessageDigest.getInstance(MessageDigestAlgorithm.SHA_1)
} catch (e: NoSuchAlgorithmException) {
throw RuntimeException("Unable to initialize hash algorithm. SHA1 digest doesn't exist?!?")
internal val digest256 = ThreadLocal.withInitial {
try {
return@withInitial MessageDigest.getInstance(MessageDigestAlgorithm.SHA_256)
} catch (e: NoSuchAlgorithmException) {
throw RuntimeException("Unable to initialize hash algorithm. SHA256 digest doesn't exist?!?")
internal val digest256: ThreadLocal<MessageDigest> by lazy {
ThreadLocal.withInitial {
try {
return@withInitial MessageDigest.getInstance(MessageDigestAlgorithm.SHA_256)
} catch (e: NoSuchAlgorithmException) {
throw RuntimeException("Unable to initialize hash algorithm. SHA256 digest doesn't exist?!?")
internal val digest384 = ThreadLocal.withInitial {
try {
return@withInitial MessageDigest.getInstance(MessageDigestAlgorithm.SHA_384)
} catch (e: NoSuchAlgorithmException) {
throw RuntimeException("Unable to initialize hash algorithm. SHA384 digest doesn't exist?!?")
internal val digest384: ThreadLocal<MessageDigest> by lazy {
ThreadLocal.withInitial {
try {
return@withInitial MessageDigest.getInstance(MessageDigestAlgorithm.SHA_384)
} catch (e: NoSuchAlgorithmException) {
throw RuntimeException("Unable to initialize hash algorithm. SHA384 digest doesn't exist?!?")
internal val digest512 = ThreadLocal.withInitial {
try {
return@withInitial MessageDigest.getInstance(MessageDigestAlgorithm.SHA_512_256)
} catch (e: NoSuchAlgorithmException) {
throw RuntimeException("Unable to initialize hash algorithm. SHA512 digest doesn't exist?!?")
internal val digest512: ThreadLocal<MessageDigest> by lazy {
ThreadLocal.withInitial {
try {
return@withInitial MessageDigest.getInstance(MessageDigestAlgorithm.SHA_512_256)
} catch (e: NoSuchAlgorithmException) {
throw RuntimeException("Unable to initialize hash algorithm. SHA512 digest doesn't exist?!?")
internal val digest3_256 = ThreadLocal.withInitial {
try {
return@withInitial MessageDigest.getInstance(MessageDigestAlgorithm.SHA3_256)
} catch (e: NoSuchAlgorithmException) {
throw RuntimeException("Unable to initialize hash algorithm. SHA3-256 digest doesn't exist?!?")
internal val digest3_256: ThreadLocal<MessageDigest> by lazy {
ThreadLocal.withInitial {
try {
return@withInitial MessageDigest.getInstance(MessageDigestAlgorithm.SHA3_256)
} catch (e: NoSuchAlgorithmException) {
throw RuntimeException("Unable to initialize hash algorithm. SHA3-256 digest doesn't exist?!?")
internal val digest3_384 = ThreadLocal.withInitial {
try {
return@withInitial MessageDigest.getInstance(MessageDigestAlgorithm.SHA3_384)
} catch (e: NoSuchAlgorithmException) {
throw RuntimeException("Unable to initialize hash algorithm. SHA3-384 digest doesn't exist?!?")
internal val digest3_384: ThreadLocal<MessageDigest> by lazy {
ThreadLocal.withInitial {
try {
return@withInitial MessageDigest.getInstance(MessageDigestAlgorithm.SHA3_384)
} catch (e: NoSuchAlgorithmException) {
throw RuntimeException("Unable to initialize hash algorithm. SHA3-384 digest doesn't exist?!?")
internal val digest3_512 = ThreadLocal.withInitial {
try {
return@withInitial MessageDigest.getInstance(MessageDigestAlgorithm.SHA3_512)
} catch (e: NoSuchAlgorithmException) {
throw RuntimeException("Unable to initialize hash algorithm. SHA3-512 digest doesn't exist?!?")
internal val digest3_512: ThreadLocal<MessageDigest> by lazy {
ThreadLocal.withInitial {
try {
return@withInitial MessageDigest.getInstance(MessageDigestAlgorithm.SHA3_512)
} catch (e: NoSuchAlgorithmException) {
throw RuntimeException("Unable to initialize hash algorithm. SHA3-512 digest doesn't exist?!?")
* this saves the char array in UTF-16 format of bytes
fun charToBytes16(text: CharArray): ByteArray {
// NOTE: this saves the char array in UTF-16 format of bytes.
val bytes = ByteArray(text.size * 2)
for (i in text.indices) {
bytes[2 * i] = (text[i].code shr 8).toByte()
bytes[2 * i + 1] = text[i].code.toByte()
internal val xxHashFactory: ThreadLocal<XXHashFactory> by lazy {
ThreadLocal.withInitial {
try {
return@withInitial XXHashFactory.fastestInstance()
} catch (e: NoSuchAlgorithmException) {
throw RuntimeException("Unable to initialize xxHash algorithm. xxHash doesn't exist?!?")
return bytes
@Deprecated("Do not use this, it is insecure and prone to attack!")
val md5 get() = digest1.get()
val sha1 get() = digest1.get()
@ -134,62 +150,125 @@ object Hash {
* Reads an InputStream and updates the digest for the data
private fun updateDigest(digest: MessageDigest, data: InputStream, bufferSize: Int = 4096): MessageDigest {
val buffer = ByteArray(bufferSize)
var read = data.read(buffer, 0, bufferSize)
while (read > -1) {
digest.update(buffer, 0, read)
read = data.read(buffer, 0, bufferSize)
private fun updateDigest(digest: MessageDigest, data: InputStream, bufferSize: Int, start: Long, length: Long) {
val skipped = data.skip(start)
if (skipped != start) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Unable to skip $start bytes. Only able to skip $skipped bytes instead")
var readLength = length
val adjustedBufferSize = if (bufferSize > readLength) {
} else {
val buffer = ByteArray(adjustedBufferSize)
var read = 1
while (read > 0 && readLength > 0) {
read = if (adjustedBufferSize > readLength) {
data.read(buffer, 0, readLength.toInt())
} else {
data.read(buffer, 0, adjustedBufferSize)
digest.update(buffer, 0, read)
readLength -= read
return digest
* Reads an InputStream and updates the digest for the data
private fun updateDigest(state: org.lwjgl.util.xxhash.XXH32State, data: InputStream, bufferSize: Int = 4096) {
val buffer = ByteArray(bufferSize)
val bbuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer)
private fun updateDigest32(hash32: StreamingXXHash32, data: InputStream, bufferSize: Int, start: Long, length: Long) {
val skipped = data.skip(start)
if (skipped != start) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Unable to skip $start bytes. Only able to skip $skipped bytes instead")
var read = data.read(buffer, 0, bufferSize)
while (read > -1) {
org.lwjgl.util.xxhash.XXHash.XXH32_update(state, bbuffer)
read = data.read(buffer, 0, bufferSize)
var readLength = length
val adjustedBufferSize = if (bufferSize > readLength) {
} else {
val buffer = ByteArray(adjustedBufferSize)
var read = 1
while (read > 0 && readLength > 0) {
read = if (adjustedBufferSize > readLength) {
data.read(buffer, 0, readLength.toInt())
} else {
data.read(buffer, 0, adjustedBufferSize)
hash32.update(buffer, 0, read)
readLength -= read
private fun updateDigest64(hash64: StreamingXXHash64, data: InputStream, bufferSize: Int, start: Long, length: Long) {
val skipped = data.skip(start)
if (skipped != start) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Unable to skip $start bytes. Only able to skip $skipped bytes instead")
var readLength = length
val adjustedBufferSize = if (bufferSize > readLength) {
} else {
val buffer = ByteArray(adjustedBufferSize)
var read = 1
while (read > 0 && readLength > 0) {
read = if (adjustedBufferSize > readLength) {
data.read(buffer, 0, readLength.toInt())
} else {
data.read(buffer, 0, adjustedBufferSize)
hash64.update(buffer, 0, read)
readLength -= read
private fun hash(byteArray: ByteArray, digest: MessageDigest): ByteArray {
private fun hash(byteArray: ByteArray, start: Int, length: Int, digest: MessageDigest): ByteArray {
digest.update(byteArray, start, length)
return digest.digest()
@Deprecated("Do not use this, it is insecure and prone to attack!")
fun ByteArray.md5(): ByteArray = hash(this, Hash.digestMd5.get())
fun ByteArray.sha1(): ByteArray = hash(this, Hash.digest1.get())
fun ByteArray.sha256(): ByteArray = hash(this, Hash.digest256.get())
fun ByteArray.sha384(): ByteArray = hash(this, Hash.digest384.get())
fun ByteArray.sha512(): ByteArray = hash(this, Hash.digest512.get())
fun ByteArray.sha3_256(): ByteArray = hash(this, Hash.digest3_256.get())
fun ByteArray.sha3_384(): ByteArray = hash(this, Hash.digest3_384.get())
fun ByteArray.sha3_512(): ByteArray = hash(this, Hash.digest3_512.get())
fun ByteArray.md5(start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.size): ByteArray = hash(this, start, length, Hash.digestMd5.get())
fun ByteArray.sha1(start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.size): ByteArray = hash(this, start, length, Hash.digest1.get())
fun ByteArray.sha256(start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.size): ByteArray = hash(this, start, length, Hash.digest256.get())
fun ByteArray.sha384(start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.size): ByteArray = hash(this, start, length, Hash.digest384.get())
fun ByteArray.sha512(start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.size): ByteArray = hash(this, start, length, Hash.digest512.get())
fun ByteArray.sha3_256(start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.size): ByteArray = hash(this, start, length, Hash.digest3_256.get())
fun ByteArray.sha3_384(start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.size): ByteArray = hash(this, start, length, Hash.digest3_384.get())
fun ByteArray.sha3_512(start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.size): ByteArray = hash(this, start, length, Hash.digest3_512.get())
* @param seed used to initialize the hash value (for the xxhash seed), use whatever value you want, but always the same
fun ByteArray.xxHash(seed: Int = -0x31bf6a3c): Int {
val state: org.lwjgl.util.xxhash.XXH32State = org.lwjgl.util.xxhash.XXHash.XXH32_createState()!!
org.lwjgl.util.xxhash.XXHash.XXH32_reset(state, seed)
fun ByteArray.xxHash32(seed: Int = -0x31bf6a3c, start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.size): Int {
val xxHash = Hash.xxHashFactory.get()
val hash32 = xxHash.newStreamingHash32(seed)!!
val bbuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(this)
hash32.update(this, start, length)
return hash32.value
* @param seed used to initialize the hash value (for the xxhash seed), use whatever value you want, but always the same
fun ByteArray.xxHash64(seed: Long = -0x31bf6a3c, start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.size): Long {
val xxHash = Hash.xxHashFactory.get()
val hash64 = xxHash.newStreamingHash64(seed)!!
org.lwjgl.util.xxhash.XXHash.XXH32_update(state, bbuffer)
return org.lwjgl.util.xxhash.XXHash.XXH32_digest(state)
hash64.update(this, start, length)
return hash64.value
private fun hash(string: String, digest: MessageDigest): ByteArray {
val charToBytes = string.toCharArray().charToBytes16()
private fun hash(string: String, start: Int, length: Int, digest: MessageDigest): ByteArray {
val charToBytes = string.toCharArray().toBytes16(start, length)
digest.update(charToBytes, 0, charToBytes.size)
return digest.digest()
@ -199,57 +278,69 @@ private fun hash(string: String, digest: MessageDigest): ByteArray {
* gets the MD5 hash of the specified string, as UTF-16
@Deprecated("Do not use this, it is insecure and prone to attack!")
fun String.md5(): ByteArray = hash(this, Hash.digestMd5.get())
fun String.md5(start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.length): ByteArray = hash(this, start, length, Hash.digestMd5.get())
* gets the SHA1 hash of the specified string, as UTF-16
fun String.sha1(): ByteArray = hash(this, Hash.digest1.get())
fun String.sha1(start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.length): ByteArray = hash(this, start, length, Hash.digest1.get())
* gets the SHA256 hash of the specified string, as UTF-16
fun String.sha256(): ByteArray = hash(this, Hash.digest256.get())
fun String.sha256(start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.length): ByteArray = hash(this, start, length, Hash.digest256.get())
* gets the SHA384 hash of the specified string, as UTF-16
fun String.sha384(): ByteArray = hash(this, Hash.digest384.get())
fun String.sha384(start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.length): ByteArray = hash(this, start, length, Hash.digest384.get())
* gets the SHA512 hash of the specified string, as UTF-16
fun String.sha512(): ByteArray = hash(this, Hash.digest512.get())
fun String.sha512(start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.length): ByteArray = hash(this, start, length, Hash.digest512.get())
* gets the SHA3_256 hash of the specified string, as UTF-16
fun String.sha3_256(): ByteArray = hash(this, Hash.digest3_256.get())
fun String.sha3_256(start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.length): ByteArray = hash(this, start, length, Hash.digest3_256.get())
* gets the SHA3_384 hash of the specified string, as UTF-16
fun String.sha3_384(): ByteArray = hash(this, Hash.digest3_384.get())
fun String.sha3_384(start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.length): ByteArray = hash(this, start, length, Hash.digest3_384.get())
* gets the SHA3_512 hash of the specified string, as UTF-16
fun String.sha3_512(): ByteArray = hash(this, Hash.digest3_512.get())
fun String.sha3_512(start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.length): ByteArray = hash(this, start, length, Hash.digest3_512.get())
* gets the xxHash of the string, as UTF-16
* gets the xxHash32 of the string, as UTF-16
* @param seed used to initialize the hash value (for the xxhash seed), use whatever value you want, but always the same
fun String.xxHash(saltBytes: ByteArray, seed: Int = -0x31bf6a3c): Int {
val state: org.lwjgl.util.xxhash.XXH32State = org.lwjgl.util.xxhash.XXHash.XXH32_createState()!!
org.lwjgl.util.xxhash.XXHash.XXH32_reset(state, seed)
fun String.xxHash32(seed: Int = -0x31bf6a3c, start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.length): Int {
val xxHash = Hash.xxHashFactory.get()
val hash32 = xxHash.newStreamingHash32(seed)!!
val charToBytes = this.toCharArray().charToBytes16()
val charToBytes = this.toCharArray().toBytes16(start, length)
hash32.update(charToBytes, 0, charToBytes.size)
return hash32.value
* gets the xxHash64 of the string, as UTF-16
* @param seed used to initialize the hash value (for the xxhash seed), use whatever value you want, but always the same
fun String.xxHash64(seed: Long = -0x31bf6a3c, start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.length): Long {
val xxHash = Hash.xxHashFactory.get()
val hash64 = xxHash.newStreamingHash64(seed)!!
val bbuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(charToBytes)
org.lwjgl.util.xxhash.XXHash.XXH32_update(state, bbuffer)
return org.lwjgl.util.xxhash.XXHash.XXH32_digest(state)
val charToBytes = this.toCharArray().toBytes16(start, length)
hash64.update(charToBytes, 0, charToBytes.size)
return hash64.value
* gets the SHA256 hash + SALT of the string, as UTF-16
* gets the hash + SALT of the string, as UTF-16
* LENGTH is specifically the length of what we want to hash of the orig string (it doesn't include the salt)
private fun hashWithSalt(string: String, saltBytes: ByteArray, digest: MessageDigest): ByteArray {
val charToBytes = string.toCharArray().charToBytes16()
private fun hashWithSalt(string: String, saltBytes: ByteArray, start: Int, length: Int, digest: MessageDigest): ByteArray {
val charToBytes = string.toCharArray().toBytes16(start, length)
val withSalt = charToBytes + saltBytes
@ -261,55 +352,86 @@ private fun hashWithSalt(string: String, saltBytes: ByteArray, digest: MessageDi
* gets the SHA256 hash + SALT of the string, as UTF-16
fun String.sha1WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray): ByteArray = hashWithSalt(this, saltBytes, Hash.digest1.get())
fun String.sha1WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray, start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.length + saltBytes.size): ByteArray =
hashWithSalt(this, saltBytes, start, length, Hash.digest1.get())
* gets the SHA256 hash + SALT of the string, as UTF-16
fun String.sha256WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray): ByteArray = hashWithSalt(this, saltBytes, Hash.digest256.get())
fun String.sha256WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray, start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.length + saltBytes.size): ByteArray =
hashWithSalt(this, saltBytes, start, length, Hash.digest256.get())
* gets the SHA384 hash + SALT of the string, as UTF-16
fun String.sha384WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray): ByteArray = hashWithSalt(this, saltBytes, Hash.digest384.get())
fun String.sha384WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray, start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.length + saltBytes.size): ByteArray =
hashWithSalt(this, saltBytes, start, length, Hash.digest384.get())
* gets the SHA512 hash + SALT of the string, as UTF-16
fun String.sha512WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray): ByteArray = hashWithSalt(this, saltBytes, Hash.digest512.get())
fun String.sha512WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray, start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.length + saltBytes.size): ByteArray =
hashWithSalt(this, saltBytes, start, length, Hash.digest512.get())
* gets the SHA3_256 hash + SALT of the string, as UTF-16
fun String.sha3_256WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray): ByteArray = hashWithSalt(this, saltBytes, Hash.digest3_256.get())
fun String.sha3_256WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray, start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.length + saltBytes.size): ByteArray =
hashWithSalt(this, saltBytes, start, length, Hash.digest3_256.get())
* gets the SHA3_384 hash + SALT of the string, as UTF-16
fun String.sha3_384WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray): ByteArray = hashWithSalt(this, saltBytes, Hash.digest3_384.get())
fun String.sha3_384WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray, start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.length + saltBytes.size): ByteArray =
hashWithSalt(this, saltBytes, start, length, Hash.digest3_384.get())
* gets the SHA3_512 hash + SALT of the string, as UTF-16
fun String.sha3_512WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray): ByteArray = hashWithSalt(this, saltBytes, Hash.digest3_512.get())
fun String.sha3_512WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray, start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.length + saltBytes.size): ByteArray =
hashWithSalt(this, saltBytes, start, length, Hash.digest3_512.get())
* gets the xxHash + SALT of the string, as UTF-16
* gets the xxHash32 + SALT of the string, as UTF-16
* @param seed used to initialize the hash value (for the xxhash seed), use whatever value you want, but always the same
fun String.xxHashWithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray, seed: Int = -0x31bf6a3c): Int {
val state: org.lwjgl.util.xxhash.XXH32State = org.lwjgl.util.xxhash.XXHash.XXH32_createState()!!
org.lwjgl.util.xxhash.XXHash.XXH32_reset(state, seed)
fun String.xxHash32WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray, seed: Int = -0x31bf6a3c, start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.length + saltBytes.size): Int {
require(start >= 0) { "Start ($start) must be >= 0" }
require(length >= 0) { "Length ($length) must be >= 0" }
require(start < length) { "Start ($start) position must be smaller than the size of the String" }
val charToBytes = this.toCharArray().charToBytes16()
val withSalt = charToBytes + saltBytes
val xxHash = Hash.xxHashFactory.get()
val hash32 = xxHash.newStreamingHash32(seed)!!
val bbuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(withSalt)
val charToBytes = this.toCharArray().toBytes16(start, length)
org.lwjgl.util.xxhash.XXHash.XXH32_update(state, bbuffer)
return org.lwjgl.util.xxhash.XXHash.XXH32_digest(state)
hash32.update(charToBytes, 0, charToBytes.size)
hash32.update(saltBytes, 0, saltBytes.size)
return hash32.value
* gets the xxHash64 + SALT of the string, as UTF-16
* @param seed used to initialize the hash value (for the xxhash seed), use whatever value you want, but always the same
fun String.xxHash64WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray, seed: Long = -0x31bf6a3c, start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.length + saltBytes.size): Long {
require(start >= 0) { "Start ($start) must be >= 0" }
require(length >= 0) { "Length ($length) must be >= 0" }
require(start < length) { "Start ($start) position must be smaller than the size of the String" }
val xxHash = Hash.xxHashFactory.get()
val hash64 = xxHash.newStreamingHash64(seed)!!
val charToBytes = this.toCharArray().toBytes16(start, length)
hash64.update(charToBytes, 0, charToBytes.size)
hash64.update(saltBytes, 0, saltBytes.size)
return hash64.value
private fun hashWithSalt(bytes: ByteArray, saltBytes: ByteArray, digest: MessageDigest): ByteArray {
val bytesWithSalt = bytes + saltBytes
private fun hashWithSalt(bytes: ByteArray, saltBytes: ByteArray, start: Int, length: Int, digest: MessageDigest): ByteArray {
require(start >= 0) { "Start ($start) must be >= 0" }
require(length >= 0) { "Length ($length) must be >= 0" }
require(start < bytes.size) { "Start ($start) position must be smaller than the size of the byte array" }
digest.update(bytesWithSalt, 0, bytesWithSalt.size)
digest.update(bytes, 0, bytes.size)
digest.update(saltBytes, 0, saltBytes.size)
return digest.digest()
@ -317,74 +439,79 @@ private fun hashWithSalt(bytes: ByteArray, saltBytes: ByteArray, digest: Message
* gets the SHA1 hash + SALT of the byte array
fun ByteArray.sha1WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray): ByteArray = hashWithSalt(this, saltBytes, Hash.digest1.get())
fun ByteArray.sha1WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray, start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.size + saltBytes.size): ByteArray =
hashWithSalt(this, saltBytes, start, length, Hash.digest1.get())
* gets the SHA256 hash + SALT of the byte array
fun ByteArray.sha256WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray): ByteArray = hashWithSalt(this, saltBytes, Hash.digest256.get())
fun ByteArray.sha256WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray, start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.size + saltBytes.size): ByteArray =
hashWithSalt(this, saltBytes, start, length, Hash.digest256.get())
* gets the SHA384 hash + SALT of the byte array
fun ByteArray.sha384WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray): ByteArray = hashWithSalt(this, saltBytes, Hash.digest384.get())
fun ByteArray.sha384WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray, start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.size + saltBytes.size): ByteArray =
hashWithSalt(this, saltBytes, start, length, Hash.digest384.get())
* gets the SHA512 hash + SALT of the byte array
fun ByteArray.sha512WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray): ByteArray = hashWithSalt(this, saltBytes, Hash.digest512.get())
fun ByteArray.sha512WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray, start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.size + saltBytes.size): ByteArray =
hashWithSalt(this, saltBytes, start, length, Hash.digest512.get())
* gets the SHA3_256 hash + SALT of the byte array
fun ByteArray.sha3_256WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray): ByteArray = hashWithSalt(this, saltBytes, Hash.digest3_256.get())
fun ByteArray.sha3_256WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray, start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.size + saltBytes.size): ByteArray =
hashWithSalt(this, saltBytes, start, length, Hash.digest3_256.get())
* gets the SHA3_384 hash + SALT of the byte array
fun ByteArray.sha3_384WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray): ByteArray = hashWithSalt(this, saltBytes, Hash.digest3_384.get())
fun ByteArray.sha3_384WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray, start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.size + saltBytes.size): ByteArray =
hashWithSalt(this, saltBytes, start, length, Hash.digest3_384.get())
* gets the SHA3_512 hash + SALT of the byte array
fun ByteArray.sha3_512WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray): ByteArray = hashWithSalt(this, saltBytes, Hash.digest3_512.get())
fun ByteArray.sha3_512WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray, start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.size + saltBytes.size): ByteArray =
hashWithSalt(this, saltBytes, start, length, Hash.digest3_512.get())
* gets the xxHash + SALT of the byte array
* gets the xxHash32 + SALT of the byte array
* @param seed used to initialize the hash value (for the xxhash seed), use whatever value you want, but always the same
fun ByteArray.xxHashWithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray, seed: Int = -0x31bf6a3c): Int {
val state: org.lwjgl.util.xxhash.XXH32State = org.lwjgl.util.xxhash.XXHash.XXH32_createState()!!
org.lwjgl.util.xxhash.XXHash.XXH32_reset(state, seed)
fun ByteArray.xxHash32WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray, seed: Int = -0x31bf6a3c, start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.size + saltBytes.size): Int {
val xxHash = Hash.xxHashFactory.get()
val hash32 = xxHash.newStreamingHash32(seed)!!
val bytesWithSalt = this + saltBytes
val bbuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytesWithSalt)
hash32.update(this, start, length)
hash32.update(saltBytes, 0, saltBytes.size)
return hash32.value
* gets the xxHash64 + SALT of the byte array
* @param seed used to initialize the hash value (for the xxhash seed), use whatever value you want, but always the same
fun ByteArray.xxHash64WithSalt(saltBytes: ByteArray, seed: Long = -0x31bf6a3c, start: Int = 0, length: Int = this.size + saltBytes.size): Long {
val xxHash = Hash.xxHashFactory.get()
val hash64 = xxHash.newStreamingHash64(seed)!!
org.lwjgl.util.xxhash.XXHash.XXH32_update(state, bbuffer)
return org.lwjgl.util.xxhash.XXHash.XXH32_digest(state)
hash64.update(this, start, length)
hash64.update(saltBytes, 0, saltBytes.size)
return hash64.value
private fun hash(file: File, start: Long, length: Long, bufferSize: Int, digest: MessageDigest): ByteArray {
require(file.isFile) { "Unable open as file: ${file.absolutePath}" }
require(file.canRead()) { "Unable to read file: ${file.absolutePath}" }
private fun hash(file: File, startPosition: Long = 0L, endPosition: Long = file.length(), bufferSize: Int = 4096, digest: MessageDigest): ByteArray {
if (!file.isFile) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Unable open as file: ${file.absolutePath}")
if (!file.canRead()) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Unable to read file: ${file.absolutePath}")
require(start >= 0) { "Start ($start) must be >= 0" }
require(length >= 0) { "Length ($length) must be >= 0" }
require(start < file.length()) { "Start ($start) position must be smaller than the size of the file" }
file.inputStream().use {
val skipped = it.skip(startPosition)
if (skipped != startPosition) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Unable to skip $startPosition bytes. Only able to skip $skipped bytes instead")
var size = file.length() - startPosition
val lengthFromEnd = size - endPosition
if (lengthFromEnd in 1 until size) {
size -= lengthFromEnd
updateDigest(digest, it, bufferSize)
updateDigest(digest, it, bufferSize, start, length)
return digest.digest()
@ -394,65 +521,79 @@ private fun hash(file: File, startPosition: Long = 0L, endPosition: Long = file.
* gets the SHA1 hash of the file
fun File.sha1(): ByteArray = hash(this, 0, length(), 4096, Hash.digest1.get())
fun File.sha1(start: Int = 0, length: Long = this.length(), bufferSize: Int = 4096): ByteArray =
hash(this, start.toLong(), length, bufferSize, Hash.digest1.get())
* gets the SHA256 hash of the file
fun File.sha256(): ByteArray = hash(this, 0, length(), 4096, Hash.digest256.get())
fun File.sha256(start: Int = 0, length: Long = this.length(), bufferSize: Int = 4096): ByteArray =
hash(this, start.toLong(), length, bufferSize, Hash.digest256.get())
* gets the SHA384 hash of the file
fun File.sha384(): ByteArray = hash(this, 0, length(), 4096, Hash.digest384.get())
fun File.sha384(start: Int = 0, length: Long = this.length(), bufferSize: Int = 4096): ByteArray =
hash(this, start.toLong(), length, bufferSize, Hash.digest384.get())
* gets the SHA512 hash of the file
fun File.sha512(): ByteArray = hash(this, 0, length(), 4096, Hash.digest512.get())
fun File.sha512(start: Int = 0, length: Long = this.length(), bufferSize: Int = 4096): ByteArray =
hash(this, start.toLong(), length, bufferSize, Hash.digest512.get())
* gets the SHA3_256 hash of the file
fun File.sha3_256(): ByteArray = hash(this, 0, length(), 4096, Hash.digest3_256.get())
fun File.sha3_256(start: Int = 0, length: Long = this.length(), bufferSize: Int = 4096): ByteArray =
hash(this, start.toLong(), length, bufferSize, Hash.digest3_256.get())
* gets the SHA3_384 hash of the file
fun File.sha3_384(): ByteArray = hash(this, 0, length(), 4096, Hash.digest3_384.get())
fun File.sha3_384(start: Int = 0, length: Long = this.length(), bufferSize: Int = 4096): ByteArray =
hash(this, start.toLong(), length, bufferSize, Hash.digest3_384.get())
* gets the SHA3_512 hash of the file
fun File.sha3_512(): ByteArray = hash(this, 0, length(), 4096, Hash.digest3_512.get())
fun File.sha3_512(start: Int = 0, length: Long = this.length(), bufferSize: Int = 4096): ByteArray =
hash(this, start.toLong(), length, bufferSize, Hash.digest3_512.get())
* Return the xxhash of the file as or IllegalArgumentExceptions if there are problems with the file
* Return the xxhash32 of the file as or IllegalArgumentExceptions if there are problems with the file
* @param seed used to initialize the hash value (for the xxhash seed), use whatever value you want, but always the same
fun File.xxHash(startPosition: Long = 0L, endPosition: Long = this.length(), bufferSize: Int = 4096, seed: Int = -0x31bf6a3c): Int {
val state: org.lwjgl.util.xxhash.XXH32State = org.lwjgl.util.xxhash.XXHash.XXH32_createState()!!
org.lwjgl.util.xxhash.XXHash.XXH32_reset(state, seed)
fun File.xxHash32(start: Long = 0L, length: Long = this.length(), bufferSize: Int = 4096, seed: Int = -0x31bf6a3c): Int {
val xxHash = Hash.xxHashFactory.get()
val hash32 = xxHash.newStreamingHash32(seed)!!
if (!this.isFile) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Unable open as file: ${this.absolutePath}")
if (!this.canRead()) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Unable to read file: ${this.absolutePath}")
require(this.isFile) { "Unable open as file: ${this.absolutePath}" }
require(this.canRead()) { "Unable to read file: ${this.absolutePath}" }
require(start >= 0) { "Start ($start) must be >= 0" }
require(length >= 0) { "Length ($length) must be >= 0" }
require(start < length()) { "Start ($start) position must be smaller than the size of the file" }
this.inputStream().use {
val skipped = it.skip(startPosition)
if (skipped != startPosition) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Unable to skip $startPosition bytes. Only able to skip $skipped bytes instead")
var size = this.length() - startPosition
val lengthFromEnd = size - endPosition
if (lengthFromEnd in 1 until size) {
size -= lengthFromEnd
updateDigest(state, it, bufferSize)
return org.lwjgl.util.xxhash.XXHash.XXH32_digest(state)
updateDigest32(hash32, it, bufferSize, start, length)
return hash32.value
* Return the xxhash64 of the file as or IllegalArgumentExceptions if there are problems with the file
* @param seed used to initialize the hash value (for the xxhash seed), use whatever value you want, but always the same
fun File.xxHash64(start: Long = 0L, length: Long = this.length(), bufferSize: Int = 4096, seed: Long = -0x31bf6a3c): Long {
val xxHash = Hash.xxHashFactory.get()
val hash64 = xxHash.newStreamingHash64(seed)!!
require(this.isFile) { "Unable open as file: ${this.absolutePath}" }
require(this.canRead()) { "Unable to read file: ${this.absolutePath}" }
require(start >= 0) { "Start ($start) must be >= 0" }
require(length >= 0) { "Length ($length) must be >= 0" }
require(start < length()) { "Start ($start) position must be smaller than the size of the file" }
this.inputStream().use {
updateDigest64(hash64, it, bufferSize, start, length)
return hash64.value

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
* Copyright 2023 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dorkbox.bytes
import org.junit.Assert.*
import org.junit.Test
import java.io.File
class TestHashing {
fun xxHash() {
assertEquals(679431504, "123123123123".xxHash32())
assertEquals(6768607861876164638, "123123123123".xxHash64())
val file = File("LICENSE.Apachev2")
assertEquals(-990273547, file.xxHash32())
assertEquals(-8777591777774693626, file.xxHash64())
assertEquals(file.readBytes().xxHash32(), file.xxHash32())
assertEquals(file.readBytes().xxHash32(start = 10, length = 400), file.xxHash32(start = 10, length = 400))
assertEquals(file.readBytes().xxHash64(), file.xxHash64())
assertEquals(file.readBytes().xxHash64(start = 10, length = 400), file.xxHash64(start = 10, length = 400))
fun shaHashFile() {
val file = File("LICENSE.Apachev2")
assertEquals("0x1b64c725684886157776ac3189536fb826a5ee3614321a589580243d92c2458e", file.sha256().toHexString())
assertEquals("0xc615bc169ede733444ae128fdac4824aa3c4e0ab04d228b302f8227e0cf1b49d", file.sha512().toHexString())
assertArrayEquals(file.readBytes().sha256(), file.sha256())
assertArrayEquals(file.readBytes().sha256(start = 10, length = 400), file.sha256(start = 10, length = 400))
fun shaHash() {
assertEquals("0xf11aea6605c934e435964041bc4b376f256aaf994c70c5458a133fc157096d46", "123123123123".sha256().toHexString())
assertEquals("0x13b3f95860b8a2da4ee89c610ba674d45269004180a924716cc60c0358b5af08", "123123123123".sha512().toHexString())
assertArrayEquals("123123123123".sha256(), "123123123123".toBytes16().sha256())
// NOTE: UTF_16 will always append a BOM (Byte Order Mark) of \uFEFF
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54247407/why-utf-8-bom-bytes-efbbbf-can-be-replaced-by-ufeff
// FEFF is the BOM for UTF_16 (required by RFC 2781 for charsets)
assertEquals("feff" + ("123123123123".toBytes16().toNoPrefixHexString()), "123123123123".toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_16).toNoPrefixHexString())
assertArrayEquals("23".toCharArray().toBytes16(), "23".toBytes16() )
assertArrayEquals("123123123123".toBytes16(4, 2), "123123123123".toCharArray(startIndex = 4, endIndex = 4+2).toBytes16())
assertArrayEquals("123123123123".toBytes16(4, 2), "123123123123".toCharArray().toBytes16(4, 2))
assertArrayEquals("23".toCharArray().toBytes16(), "123123123123".toCharArray().toBytes16(4, 2))
assertArrayEquals("23".toBytes16(), "123123123123".toCharArray().toBytes16(4, 2))
assertFalse("123123123123".toBytes16(4, 2).contentEquals("123123123123".toBytes16(1, 3)))
assertArrayEquals("123123123123".toCharArray().toBytes16().sha256(), "123123123123".sha256())