Better method for setting the background color for the Swing tray icon

in linux
This commit is contained in:
nathan 2017-06-25 19:31:14 +02:00
parent e46ab7d4ad
commit 09564855a7

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@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ import javassist.ClassPool;
import javassist.CtClass;
import javassist.CtField;
import javassist.CtMethod;
import javassist.CtNewMethod;
import javassist.Modifier;
@ -438,102 +440,249 @@ class SystemTrayFixes {
try {
ClassPool pool = ClassPool.getDefault();
byte[] iconCanvasBytes;
CtField ctField;
String className = "sun.awt.X11.XTrayIconPeer";
byte[] eFrameBytes;
byte[] trayIconBytes;
CtClass trayIconClass = pool.get("sun.awt.X11.XTrayIconPeer");
CtClass trayIconClass = pool.get(className);
ctField = new CtField(pool.get("java.awt.Robot"), "robot", trayIconClass);
ctField = new CtField(pool.get("java.awt.Color"), "color", trayIconClass);
trayIconBytes = trayIconClass.toBytecode();
CtClass eFrameClass = null;
CtClass[] nestedClasses = trayIconClass.getNestedClasses();
// looking for IconCanvas
CtClass iconCanvasClass = null;
for (CtClass nestedClass : nestedClasses) {
if (nestedClass.getName()
.equals(trayIconClass.getName() + "$IconCanvas")) {
iconCanvasClass = nestedClass;
String name = nestedClass.getName();
if (name.equals(className + "$XTrayIconEmbeddedFrame")) {
eFrameClass = nestedClass;
if (iconCanvasClass == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find required classes. Unable to continue initialization.");
if (eFrameClass == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find required classes to fix. Unable to continue initialization.");
CtField ctField;
ctField = new CtField(pool.get("java.awt.Color"), "color", iconCanvasClass);
ctField = new CtField(pool.get("java.awt.Robot"), "robot", iconCanvasClass);
CtMethod ctMethodRepaintImage = iconCanvasClass.getDeclaredMethod("repaintImage");
String body = "{" +
"boolean doClear = $1;" +
"java.lang.System.err.println(\"update image: \" + doClear);" +
"java.awt.Graphics g = getGraphics();" +
"if (g != null) {" +
" try {" +
" if (isVisible()) {" +
" if (robot == null) {" +
" robot = new java.awt.Robot();" +
" }" +
" if (doClear) {" +
// gets the pixel color just to the side of the icon. The CRITICAL thing to notice, is that this happens before the
// AWT window is positioned, so there can be a different system tray icon at this position (at this exact point in
// time. This means we cannot take a screen shot, because before the window is placed, another icon is in this spot,
// and when the window is placed, it's too late to take a screenshot. The second best option is to take a sample of
// the pixel color, so at least we can fake transparency. This only works if the notification area is a solid color,
// and not an image or gradient.
" java.awt.Point loc = getLocationOnScreen();" +
" color = robot.getPixelColor(loc.x-1, loc.y-1);" +
" update(g);" +
" } else {" +
" paint(g);" +
" }" +
" }" +
" } finally {" +
" g.dispose();" +
" }" +
CtMethod methodVisible = CtNewMethod.make(
"public void setVisible(boolean b) " +
"{ " +
"if (b) {" +
"if (" + className + ".robot == null) {" +
className + ".robot = new java.awt.Robot();" +
"}" +
CtMethod ctMethodPaint = iconCanvasClass.getDeclaredMethod("paint");
body = "{" +
"java.awt.Graphics g = $1;" +
"if (g != null && curW > 0 && curH > 0) {" +
" java.awt.image.BufferedImage bufImage = new java.awt.image.BufferedImage(curW, curH, java.awt.image.BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);" +
" java.awt.Graphics2D gr = bufImage.createGraphics();" +
" if (gr != null) {" +
" try {" +
// this will render the image "nicely"
" gr.addRenderingHints(new java.awt.RenderingHints(java.awt.RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING," +
" java.awt.RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY));" +
// Have to replace the color with the correct pixel color to simulate transparency
" gr.setColor(color);" +
" gr.fillRect(0, 0, curW, curH);" +
" gr.drawImage(image, 0, 0, curW, curH, observer);" +
" gr.dispose();" +
" g.drawImage(bufImage, 0, 0, curW, curH, null);" +
" } finally {" +
" g.dispose();" +
" }" +
" }" +
"java.awt.Point loc = getPeer().getLocationOnScreen();" +
className + ".color = " + className + ".robot.getPixelColor(loc.x-1, loc.y-1);" +
// this sets the background of the native component, NOT THE ICON (otherwise weird "grey" flashes occur
"setBackground(" + className + ".color);" +
"}" +
"super.setVisible(b);" +
" }",
eFrameBytes = eFrameClass.toBytecode();
// CtMethod ctMethodRepaintImage = iconCanvasClass.getDeclaredMethod("repaintImage");
// MethodInfo methodInfo = ctMethodRepaintImage.getMethodInfo();
// ConstPool pool2 = methodInfo.getConstPool();
// CodeIterator ci = methodInfo.getCodeAttribute().iterator();
// int lineNumber = -1;
// while (ci.hasNext()) {
// int index =;
// lineNumber = methodInfo.getLineNumber(index);
// int opcode = ci.byteAt(index);
// String op = Mnemonic.OPCODE[opcode];
// switch (opcode) {
// int i = ci.u16bitAt(index + 1);
// // specifically inject the pixel grabbing code JUST before update happens.
// if (pool2.getMethodrefClassName(i)
// .equals("sun.awt.X11.XTrayIconPeer$IconCanvas") &&
// pool2.getMethodrefName(i)
// .equals("update") &&
// pool2.getMethodrefType(i)
// .equals("(Ljava/awt/Graphics;)V")) {
//// " if (robot == null) {" +
//// " robot = new java.awt.Robot();" +
//// " }" +
//// " if (doClear) {" +
//// " java.awt.Point loc = getLocationOnScreen();" +
//// " color = robot.getPixelColor(loc.x-1, loc.y-1);" +
// System.out.println(op + " " + "#" + i + " = Method " + pool2.getMethodrefClassName(i) + "." +
// pool2.getMethodrefName(i) + "(" + pool2.getMethodrefType(i) + ")");
// }
// }
// }
//// System.out.println(lineNumber + " * " + Mnemonic.OPCODE[op] + " ");
// System.out.println(lineNumber + " * " + InstructionPrinter.instructionString(ci, index, pool2));
// }
//new Canvas().update();
// CtMethod methodUpdate = iconCanvasClass.getMethod("update", "(Ljava/awt/Graphics;)V");
// for(CtMethod method:iconCanvasClass.getDeclaredMethods()){
// System.err.println("MEthod: " + method.getName());
// method.insertBefore("System.out.println(\"Before every method call....\");");
// }
// for (CtMethod method : iconCanvasClass.getMethods()) {
//// System.err.println("Method: " + method.getName());
// if (method.getName()
// .equals("getBackground")) {
// System.err.println("found " + method.getName());
//// method.insertBefore("System.err.println(\"Before every method call....\");");
// method.setBody("return color;");
// }
// }
// StringBuilder collector = new StringBuilder();
// int lastLine = -1;
// while (ci.hasNext()) {
// int index =;
// lineNumber = methodInfo.getLineNumber(index);
// int op = ci.byteAt(index);
// if (lastLine == -1) {
// lastLine = lineNumber;
// }
// if (lineNumber != lastLine) {
// if (collector.length() > 0) {
// System.out.println(lastLine + " : " + collector);
// }
// lastLine = lineNumber;
// collector.delete(0, collector.length());
// }
// collector.append(Mnemonic.OPCODE[op])
// .append(" ");
//// System.out.println(lineNumber + " * " + Mnemonic.OPCODE[op] + " ");
// System.out.println(lineNumber + " * " + InstructionPrinter.instructionString(ci, index, pool2));
// }
// if (collector.length() > 0) {
// System.out.println(lineNumber + " : " + collector);
// }
// String body = "{" +
// "boolean doClear = $1;" +
// "java.lang.System.err.println(\"update image: \" + doClear);" +
// "java.awt.Graphics g = getGraphics();" +
// "if (g != null) {" +
// " try {" +
// " if (isVisible()) {" +
// " if (robot == null) {" +
// " robot = new java.awt.Robot();" +
// " }" +
// " if (doClear) {" +
// // gets the pixel color just to the side of the icon. The CRITICAL thing to notice, is that this happens before the
// // AWT window is positioned, so there can be a different system tray icon at this position (at this exact point in
// // time. This means we cannot take a screen shot, because before the window is placed, another icon is in this spot,
// // and when the window is placed, it's too late to take a screenshot. The second best option is to take a sample of
// // the pixel color, so at least we can fake transparency. This only works if the notification area is a solid color,
// // and not an image or gradient.
// " java.awt.Point loc = getLocationOnScreen();" +
// " color = robot.getPixelColor(loc.x-1, loc.y-1);" +
// " update(g);" +
// " } else {" +
// " paint(g);" +
// " }" +
// " }" +
// " } finally {" +
// " g.dispose();" +
// " }" +
// "}" +
// "}";
// ctMethodRepaintImage.setBody(body);
// CtMethod ctMethodPaint = iconCanvasClass.getDeclaredMethod("paint");
// body = "{" +
// "java.awt.Graphics g = $1;" +
// "if (g != null && curW > 0 && curH > 0) {" +
// " java.awt.image.BufferedImage bufImage = new java.awt.image.BufferedImage(curW, curH, java.awt.image.BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);" +
// " java.awt.Graphics2D gr = bufImage.createGraphics();" +
// " if (gr != null) {" +
// " try {" +
// // this will render the image "nicely"
// " gr.addRenderingHints(new java.awt.RenderingHints(java.awt.RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING," +
// " java.awt.RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY));" +
// // Have to replace the color with the correct pixel color to simulate transparency
// " gr.setColor(color);" +
// " gr.fillRect(0, 0, curW, curH);" +
// " gr.drawImage(image, 0, 0, curW, curH, observer);" +
// " gr.dispose();" +
// " g.drawImage(bufImage, 0, 0, curW, curH, null);" +
// " } finally {" +
// " g.dispose();" +
// " }" +
// " }" +
// "}" +
// "}";
// ctMethodPaint.setBody(body);
// iconCanvasClass.writeFile("/tmp/modifiedClassesFolder");
iconCanvasBytes = iconCanvasClass.toBytecode();
// whoosh, past the classloader and directly into memory.
if (SystemTray.DEBUG) {
logger.debug("Successfully changed tray icon background color");