WIP for checkboxes on AppIndicators

This commit is contained in:
nathan 2017-01-30 02:44:48 +01:00
parent e4ff8da145
commit 8dddee95dd
2 changed files with 66 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -226,7 +226,12 @@ class GtkMenu extends GtkBaseMenuItem implements MenuPeer {
entry.bind(item, parentMenu, parentMenu.getSystemTray());
else if (entry instanceof Checkbox) {
GtkMenuItemCheckbox item = new GtkMenuItemCheckbox(GtkMenu.this);
// Additionally, we can ask the SystemTray WHAT KIND of tray it is, since it will know by this point in time.
// necessary because of bad layout decisions by AppIndicators for checkbox items
// WIP. The checkbox (if appIndicator) is always black. This could cause problems depending on theme
// boolean isAppIndicator = SystemTray.get().getMenu() instanceof _AppIndicatorNativeTray;
GtkMenuItemCheckbox item = new GtkMenuItemCheckbox(GtkMenu.this, false);
add(item, index);
((Checkbox) entry).bind(item, parentMenu, parentMenu.getSystemTray());

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@ -26,14 +26,19 @@ import dorkbox.systemTray.jna.linux.GCallback;
import dorkbox.systemTray.jna.linux.Gobject;
import dorkbox.systemTray.jna.linux.Gtk;
import dorkbox.systemTray.peer.CheckboxPeer;
import dorkbox.systemTray.util.ImageUtils;
// ElementaryOS shows the checkbox on the right, everyone else is on the left. With eOS, we CANNOT show the spacer image. It does not work
class GtkMenuItemCheckbox extends GtkBaseMenuItem implements CheckboxPeer, GCallback {
private static String checkedFile;
private static String uncheckedFile;
private final GtkMenu parent;
// these have to be volatile, because they can be changed from any thread
private volatile ActionListener callback;
private volatile boolean isChecked = false;
private volatile Pointer checkedImage;
private volatile Pointer image;
// The mnemonic will ONLY show-up once a menu entry is selected. IT WILL NOT show up before then!
@ -41,16 +46,35 @@ class GtkMenuItemCheckbox extends GtkBaseMenuItem implements CheckboxPeer, GCall
// GtkStatusIconTray will show on mouse+keyboard movement
private volatile char mnemonicKey = 0;
private final long handlerId;
private final boolean isAppIndicator;
* called from inside dispatch thread. ONLY creates the menu item, but DOES NOT attach it!
* this is a FLOATING reference. See: https://developer.gnome.org/gobject/stable/gobject-The-Base-Object-Type.html#floating-ref
* note: AppIndicator tray's DO NOT show the spacer image for checkboxes so they are "shifted left", which looks awkward.
GtkMenuItemCheckbox(final GtkMenu parent) {
GtkMenuItemCheckbox(final GtkMenu parent, final boolean isAppIndicator) {
super(isAppIndicator ? Gtk.gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic("") : Gtk.gtk_check_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic(""));
this.parent = parent;
this.isAppIndicator = isAppIndicator;
handlerId = Gobject.g_signal_connect_object(_native, "activate", this, null, 0);
if (checkedFile == null) {
// from Brankic1979, public domain
checkedFile = ImageUtils.resizeAndCache(ImageUtils.ENTRY_SIZE, ImageUtils.class.getResource("checked_32.png")).getAbsolutePath();
uncheckedFile = ImageUtils.getTransparentImage(ImageUtils.ENTRY_SIZE).getAbsolutePath();
if (isAppIndicator) {
else {
Gobject.g_signal_handler_block(_native, handlerId);
Gtk.gtk_check_menu_item_set_active(_native, false);
Gobject.g_signal_handler_unblock(_native, handlerId);
// called by native code ONLY
@ -151,7 +175,7 @@ class GtkMenuItemCheckbox extends GtkBaseMenuItem implements CheckboxPeer, GCall
void setChecked(final Checkbox menuItem) {
boolean checked = menuItem.getChecked();
final boolean checked = menuItem.getChecked();
// only dispatch if it's actually different
if (checked != this.isChecked) {
@ -161,6 +185,7 @@ class GtkMenuItemCheckbox extends GtkBaseMenuItem implements CheckboxPeer, GCall
void run() {
if (!isAppIndicator) {
// note: this will trigger "activate", which will then trigger the callback.
// we assume this is consistent across ALL versions and variants of GTK
// https://github.com/GNOME/gtk/blob/master/gtk/gtkcheckmenuitem.c#L317
@ -168,11 +193,36 @@ class GtkMenuItemCheckbox extends GtkBaseMenuItem implements CheckboxPeer, GCall
Gobject.g_signal_handler_block(_native, handlerId);
Gtk.gtk_check_menu_item_set_active(_native, isChecked);
Gobject.g_signal_handler_unblock(_native, handlerId);
} else {
void setCheckedIconForAppIndicators() {
if (checkedImage != null) {
Gtk.gtk_container_remove(_native, checkedImage); // will automatically get destroyed if no other references to it
checkedImage = null;
if (this.isChecked) {
checkedImage = Gtk.gtk_image_new_from_file(checkedFile);
} else {
checkedImage = Gtk.gtk_image_new_from_file(uncheckedFile);
Gtk.gtk_image_menu_item_set_image(_native, checkedImage);
// must always re-set always-show after setting the image
Gtk.gtk_image_menu_item_set_always_show_image(_native, true);
void setShortcut(final Checkbox checkbox) {