removed getTextPadding. (dead code)

This commit is contained in:
nathan 2017-07-03 20:31:59 +02:00
parent 5368c6db75
commit aa33dabb9b

View File

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import static dorkbox.systemTray.util.CssParser.injectAdditionalCss;
import static dorkbox.systemTray.util.CssParser.removeComments;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
@ -14,7 +13,6 @@ import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference;
import dorkbox.systemTray.SystemTray;
@ -106,227 +104,6 @@ class GtkTheme {
return size;
* Gets the text padding of menu items (in the system tray menu), as specified by CSS. This is the padding value for all sides!
* NOTE: not all themes have CSS
public static
Insets getTextPadding(String text) {
// have to use pango to get the size of text (for the checkmark size)
Pointer offscreen = Gtk.gtk_offscreen_window_new();
// we use the size of "X" as the checkmark
Pointer item = Gtk.gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic(text);
Gtk.gtk_container_add(offscreen, item);
// get the text widget (GtkAccelLabel) from inside the GtkMenuItem
Pointer textLabel = Gtk.gtk_bin_get_child(item);
int top = 0;
int bottom = 0;
int right = 0;
int left = 0;
IntByReference pointer = new IntByReference();
Gobject.g_object_get(textLabel, "ypad", pointer.getPointer(), null);
int value = pointer.getValue();
top += value;
bottom += value;
Gobject.g_object_get(textLabel, "xpad", pointer.getPointer(), null);
value = pointer.getValue();
left += value;
right += value;
value = Gtk.gtk_container_get_border_width(item);
top += value;
bottom += value;
left += value;
right += value;
if (Gtk.isGtk3) {
Pointer context = Gtk3.gtk_widget_get_style_context(item);
GtkBorder tmp = new GtkBorder();
Gtk3.gtk_style_context_add_class(context, "frame");
Gtk3.gtk_style_context_get_padding(context, Gtk.State.NORMAL, tmp.getPointer());;
top +=;
bottom += tmp.bottom;
left += tmp.left;
right += tmp.right;
Gtk3.gtk_style_context_get_border(context, Gtk.State.NORMAL, tmp.getPointer());;
top +=;
bottom += tmp.bottom;
left += tmp.left;
right += tmp.right;
Gtk3.gtk_style_context_restore (context);
} else {
GtkStyle.ByReference style = Gtk.gtk_widget_get_style(item);
top += style.ythickness;
bottom += style.ythickness;
left += style.xthickness;
right += style.xthickness;
if (top == 0 && bottom == 0 && left == 0 && right == 0) {
// sometimes GTK2 cannot get this info!!
// parse if from CSS...
Css css = getCss();
if (css != null) {
// collect a list of all of the sections that have what we are interested in.
List<CssNode> sections = CssParser.getSections(css, cssNodes, null);
List<Entry> paddingEntries = CssParser.getAttributeFromSections(sections, "padding", true);
String padding = CssParser.selectMostRelevantAttribute(cssNodes, paddingEntries);
// can be padding: 2px 4px;
// can be padding-bottom: 3px;
if (padding != null) {
String[] split = padding.split(" ");
if (split.length == 4) {
// padding:10px 5px 15px 20px;
// top padding is 10px
// right padding is 5px
// bottom padding is 15px
// left padding is 20px
top = MathUtil.stripTrailingNonDigits(split[0]);
right = MathUtil.stripTrailingNonDigits(split[1]);
bottom = MathUtil.stripTrailingNonDigits(split[2]);
left = MathUtil.stripTrailingNonDigits(split[3]);
else if (split.length == 3) {
// padding:10px 5px 15px;
// top padding is 10px
// right and left padding are 5px
// bottom padding is 15px
top = MathUtil.stripTrailingNonDigits(split[0]);
right = left = MathUtil.stripTrailingNonDigits(split[1]);
bottom = MathUtil.stripTrailingNonDigits(split[2]);
else if (split.length == 2) {
// padding:10px 5px;
// top and bottom padding are 10px
// right and left padding are 5px
top = bottom = MathUtil.stripTrailingNonDigits(split[0]);
right = left = MathUtil.stripTrailingNonDigits(split[1]);
else if (split.length == 1) {
// padding:10px;
// all four paddings are 10px
top = bottom = right = left = MathUtil.stripTrailingNonDigits(split[0]);
else {
// it's explicit padding sizes.
paddingEntries = CssParser.getAttributeFromSections(sections, "padding-top", true);
padding = CssParser.selectMostRelevantAttribute(cssNodes, paddingEntries);
top = MathUtil.stripTrailingNonDigits(padding);
paddingEntries = CssParser.getAttributeFromSections(sections, "padding-right", true);
padding = CssParser.selectMostRelevantAttribute(cssNodes, paddingEntries);
right = MathUtil.stripTrailingNonDigits(padding);
paddingEntries = CssParser.getAttributeFromSections(sections, "padding-bottom", true);
padding = CssParser.selectMostRelevantAttribute(cssNodes, paddingEntries);
bottom = MathUtil.stripTrailingNonDigits(padding);
paddingEntries = CssParser.getAttributeFromSections(sections, "padding-left", true);
padding = CssParser.selectMostRelevantAttribute(cssNodes, paddingEntries);
left = MathUtil.stripTrailingNonDigits(padding);
List<Entry> borderEntries = CssParser.getAttributeFromSections(sections, "border-width", true);
String border = CssParser.selectMostRelevantAttribute(cssNodes, borderEntries);
// can be border-width, etc
// can be border-bottom-width, etc
if (border != null) {
String[] split = border.split(" ");
if (split.length == 4) {
top += MathUtil.stripTrailingNonDigits(split[0]);
right += MathUtil.stripTrailingNonDigits(split[1]);
bottom += MathUtil.stripTrailingNonDigits(split[2]);
left += MathUtil.stripTrailingNonDigits(split[3]);
else if (split.length == 3) {
top += MathUtil.stripTrailingNonDigits(split[0]);
int borderX = MathUtil.stripTrailingNonDigits(split[1]);
right += borderX;
left += borderX;
bottom += MathUtil.stripTrailingNonDigits(split[2]);
else if (split.length == 2) {
int borderY = MathUtil.stripTrailingNonDigits(split[0]);
int borderX = MathUtil.stripTrailingNonDigits(split[1]);
top += borderY;
bottom += borderY;
right += borderX;
left += borderX;
else if (split.length == 1) {
int b = MathUtil.stripTrailingNonDigits(split[0]);
top += b;
bottom += b;
right += b;
left += b;
else {
// it's explicit border sizes.
borderEntries = CssParser.getAttributeFromSections(sections, "border-top-width", true);
border = CssParser.selectMostRelevantAttribute(cssNodes, borderEntries);
top += MathUtil.stripTrailingNonDigits(border);
borderEntries = CssParser.getAttributeFromSections(sections, "border-right-width", true);
border = CssParser.selectMostRelevantAttribute(cssNodes, borderEntries);
right += MathUtil.stripTrailingNonDigits(border);
borderEntries = CssParser.getAttributeFromSections(sections, "border-bottom-width", true);
border = CssParser.selectMostRelevantAttribute(cssNodes, borderEntries);
bottom += MathUtil.stripTrailingNonDigits(border);
borderEntries = CssParser.getAttributeFromSections(sections, "border-left-width", true);
border = CssParser.selectMostRelevantAttribute(cssNodes, borderEntries);
left += MathUtil.stripTrailingNonDigits(border);
return new Insets(top, left, bottom, right);
* @return the size of the GTK menu entry's IMAGE, as best as we can tell, for determining how large of icons to use for the menu entry